Bonet alla Piemontese - Chocolate and Amaretti Pudding

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Those with a sweet tooth will delight in this delicious dessert from Piedmont. Bonet is a pudding of ancient tradition as far back as the 13th century!

The combination of cocoa, custard, amaretti biscuits and liqueur covered in caramel makes this dessert irresistible.

I made this dessert with cashew milk instead of ordinary milk so is dairy free (DF) and with amaretto liqueur instead of the traditional rum, just because I love Disaronno!!! My tip is to add some espresso coffee to the mixture for an extra zing.

So if you’re looking for a New Year’s treat - why not give this dessert a go!

Mangia, mangia! 👩🏻‍🍳

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Bonet alla Piemontese recipe:

4 medium eggs
75g caster sugar
500ml of cashew milk or ordinary milk
3 tbsps cocoa powder sifted
50ml disaronno liqueur
75g amaretti biscuits crushed
100ml of freshly made espresso coffee


100g caster sugar
2-3 tbsps of water

1. Place the eggs and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until the sugar has dissolved and the eggs are pale and airy. Add the milk, cocoa, disaranno, espresso coffee and amaretti biscuits, then whisk until the mixture is fully combined.
2. Preheat the oven to 160C Fan or Gas 4.
3. Now make the caramel by adding the sugar and water in a small pan and cook on a medium heat until it reaches 170C- the sugar will turn a dark amber colour.
4. Divide the caramel between 6 medium ramekins and let them harden before pouring the mixture in each one.
5. Place the ramekins in a deep tray filled with boiling water to create a bain-marie (2/3 of way up with water). Place in the oven and cook for about 45 minutes, or until cooked through – use a toothpick to test - it should come out clean from the centre of one of the puddings.
6. Take out the oven and allow to cool completely, then refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Insert a knife between the edges of the ramekin and bonet to make it easier to come out. Tip each out on a plate.
7. Serve with a couple of extra amaretti biscuits as decoration or fruit such as raspberries for a contrast.


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