Caramelised onion, spinach, walnut & goats cheese filo tart

A lovely caramelised onion, spinach, walnut & goats cheese filo tart for lunch.

Over sheets of filo I added a layer of caramelised onions, wilted spinach (with olive oil & a grating of nutmeg), chopped walnuts for that crunch, discs of goats cheese with a drizzle of olive oil & seasoning. Then the edges of filo were ruffled for a more rustic look & then decorated with rosemary sprigs.

The red onions were cooked down with a little vermouth & chilli flakes that makes them just so sweet & fragranced.

I love using filo pastry as it gets so crispy & it's a double bonus that it’s lower in fat than other pastries.

This tart was utterly scrumptious!!!

Mangia, mangia! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³

Caramelised onion, spinach, walnut & goats cheese filo tart recipe:

3 red onions - sliced
Splash of vermouth
Pinch of red chilli flakes
200g bag of spinach
Grating of nutmeg
75g walnuts - roughly chopped
150g firm goats cheese - I used Chavroux La Buche
Pack of filo pastry - you will need about 8/9 sheets
Extra virgin olive oil (evoo)
Salt & pepper
Fresh rosemary sprigs

Serves 2-3 people

1. For the caramelised onions - heat 2 tbsps of evoo in a frying pan, add the sliced onions & a big pinch of salt, cook over a low heat for about 20 mins until the onions are soft. Half way through cooking add a splash of vermouth & a pinch of chilli flakes. If the pan gets dry add a splash of water. Set aside when cooked.

2. Add the bag of spinach to a frying pan with 1 tbsp of evoo, let them wilt & grate in some nutmeg & seasoning. The aim is get rid of any additional liquid so should only take 2-3 minutes or so. Set aside.

3. Preheat the oven to 180Β°C fan or equivalent & brush the base of a 20-22cm baking dish with oil (either a square or round dish will do).

4. For the tart I used 8 filo sheets in total. Add 1 sheet to cover the dish & brush with oil & repeat this with 4 more sheets so all the sheets are hanging over the dish.

5. For the filling - spread a layer of the caramelised onions, followed by the spinach, scatter over the walnuts, finishing off with discs of goats cheese (about 10 slices). Add 3 more filo sheets on top to cover the filling, then fold the excess pastry to form ruffled edges. Brush the top with evoo & add a few rosemary sprigs for decoration.

6. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 mins until golden brown.


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