Crumble di Mele e Bacche Miste - Apple and Mixed Berry Crumble

Apple and mixed berry crumble with icecream.jpg

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than some home baking!

I had quite a few apples left so, rather than waste them, I turned them into this delicious fruit crumble. I also used a mix of blackberry’s, raspberry’s, blackcurrants and redcurrants. I actually prefer using frozen mixed berries as your can use the fruit all year round.

My top tip is to make sure you don’t overcook the fruit before baking, so that the apples still keep their integrity.

We’re enjoying ours with a big dollop of creamy, vanilla ice cream 😋

Mangia, mangia! 👩🏻‍🍳

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Apple and Mixed Berry Crumble recipe:

5 apples (peeled, cored & cubed) - I used royal gala apples
100g frozen mixed berries
2 tbsps butter
2 tbsps demerara or muscavodo sugar (ordinary will do as well)
Lemon juice

50g plain flour
50g porridge oats
50g sugar
50g butter (chopped)
50g finely chopped mixed nuts
1 tsp ground cinnamon

1. To make the crumble put the flour & sugar in a bowl & add the butter & rub with your fingertips so they resemble breadcrumbs. Add the cinnamon, porridge oats & finely chopped mixed nuts & mix then set aside.
2. Preheat oven to 180C fan.
3. For the filling, melt the butter & sugar in a pan until dissolved. Add the apples, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice & the frozen berries. Stir & cook for about 5 mins. Taste the sauce to make sure it’s the right sweetness for you - note you didn’t want it too sweet.
4. Get an oven proof dish & pour the filling in and top with the crumble mixture.
5. Cook for about 25 mins. Serve with cream, custard or ice cream.


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