Saffron Panna cotta with Almond Praline Shard

Saffron panna cotta (main).jpg

I was send some wonderful saffron by Scarlet Saffron so I wanted to do it justice by making my wonderful ‘Saffron Panna cotta with Almond Praline Shard’.

Panna cotta (Italian for ‘cooked cream’) hails from the Piedmont region in Italy where I was born. I thought it would be a great showcase for the saffron, combining it with a delicious hint of vanilla, and the result is a super-delicious dessert.

The trick with this panna cotta is not to add to add too much saffron, just a pinch is enough to give it that lovely flavour & subtle hue.

The almond praline shard really compliments the flavours of this panna cotta.

It’s usually set with gelatine but, as I don’t eat pork, I make mine with agar agar instead.  As long as you get the quantities right, it works a treat.

Everyone talks about the ‘panna cotta wobble’ & I have to say it’s not the easiest thing to get right as you have to use the right amount of agar agar or gelatine- but I managed it this time.

My tip for releasing the panna cotta’s from their molds easily, is to apply a small amount of vegetable oil in the molds then to release them , run the molds under hot water for a few seconds before turning out onto plates.

Mangia, mangia! 👩🏻‍🍳

Saffron panna cotta (2nd pic).JPG

Saffron Panna cotta recipe:

300ml double cream
50g caster sugar
Few drops of vanilla bean extract
Pinch of saffron threads
3/4 tsp of agar agar (note a packet normally contains 1 tsp)

Serves between 2-4 depending on what size molds you use

1. Add the above ingredients into a saucepan minus the agar agar, & on a low/medium heat gently whisk together until the mixture reaches simmering point.

2. At this point stir in the agar agar & continue whisking for at least 5-6 minutes. DO NOT LET THE MIXTURE BOIL.

3. With a fine sieve strain the mixture into a measuring jug. The type & size of containers you use for setting your Panna cotta is up to you. You can use ramekins, small cups, silicone or metals molds. Lightly coat whatever you are using with vegetable oil so it makes it easier to release.

4. Pour & divide the mixture equally across the molds & let them cool slightly before putting them in the fridge to chill for at least 2-4 hours.

5. Check after 2 hours & if they don’t feel set, then leave them in for longer before unmolding.

6. To unmold run the molds under hot water for a few seconds before carefully turning out each one onto a plate.

7. To serve sprinkle a few saffron threads in the centre then invert the almond praline shard into each Panna cotta. You can decorate the edge of the plate with fruit if you like.

Almond praline shard.jpg

Almond Praline Shard recipe:

100g sugar
2 tbsps cold water
Handful of flaked almonds (about 30g)

 1. Cover a baking tray with greaseproof/parchment paper.

2. Add the sugar & water into a saucepan & stir gently on a low/medium heat until the sugar has dissolved.

3. Turn up the heat & without stirring, let the mixture boil & wait for it to turn a golden caramel colour. Take off the heat & stir in the almonds.

4. Pour the mixture into your prepared tray in an even layer & let harden completely before breaking or cutting into shards.


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