Sbrisolona - Almond Polenta Shortbread Tart

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Sbrisolona is a crunchy traditional Italian cake made with flour, polenta and almonds, ideal to enjoy with a cup of tea, a coffee or a liqueur.

It originates from the town of Mantua, near Lombardy in the 16th Century.

As soon as it comes out of oven you can really smell the lemon zest and buttery, nutty goodness.

It really is such an easy tart to make and it’s just so yummy.

Mangia, mangia! 👩🏻‍🍳

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Sbrisolona recipe:

100g plain flour- sifted
100g polenta
100g caster sugar
100g butter - softened
1 lemon (unwaxed) - zest only
1 egg yolk
100g whole almonds

1. Butter a 20-21cm sandwich or square tin. (I used a sandwich tin).
2. Put the flour, polenta, sugar, lemon zest in a large bowl then add the butter and egg, mix together with your fingers to form breadcrumbs.
3. Add the almonds to the mixture and combine ready for the tin.
4. Put the mixture in your tin but don’t press it down as it’s supposed to be crumbly. Cover and pop into the fridge for about 30 mins.
5. Preheat the oven to 150C fan |325F| gas 3.
6. Cook for about 35 mins then take out of the oven and sprinkle over some sugar then return to the oven for another 10-15 mins.
7. Let it cool completely once out of the oven. To serve just break off pieces of the tart.
8. Keeps for about a week covered.


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