Courgette, Potato, Fennel & Ricotta Pie

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This is a really scrumptious pie especially for a cold winter's evening. It’s crammed full of diced potatoes, courgettes, fennel seeds & ricotta. I also added some goats cheese as it adds an extra savouriness & goes really well with the chipotle flakes for that nice heat.

The filling has been encased in light puff pastry & is just so good to eat either warm or cold.

Mangia, mangia! 👩🏻‍🍳

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Courgette, Potato, Fennel & Ricotta Pie recipe:


1 courgette - cut into small cubes
2 medium potatoes - cut into small cubes
1 onion chopped
2 tbsps olive oil
2 garlic cloves (crushed)
1-2 tsp chipotles flakes
1 tbsp fennel seeds
250g ricotta
50-75g goats cheese


1 pack puff pastry (375g)
1 egg - for the egg wash

Serves 3-4 people

1. Start by frying off the onion in a couple of tbsps olive oil for a few minutes, then add the cubed courgettes, potatoes, chipotle flakes, fennel seeds & seasoning. Continue frying for at least 4-5 min then add the garlic.

2. Taste the mixture for seasoning, let it cool down completely before mixing in the ricotta & goats cheese. Set aside.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C fan or equivalent & line a large baking sheet with greaseproof paper.

4. Flour your work surface & roll out the puff pastry & cut out the 1st circle that will be the base of your pie. It needs to be approx. 20cm in diameter - I used a large plate as a guide.

5. Lay the base circle on top of your baking sheet & spoon the mixture into the middle then mould it into a dome shape leaving a 1 cm gap from the edge.

6. Re-roll the pastry to cut out the 2nd circle for the top of your pie - this needs to be approx. 23cm in diameter.

7. Wet the edge of the base with a little water to help the pastry stick. Place the 2nd piece of pastry on top & seal with a fork all around the edge.

8. Using a knife score curved lines from the top to the bottom (see my picture below). Brush all over with egg wash.

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9. If not cooking straight away, place in the fridge to chill. Put the pie in the oven & bake for 35-40 mins until it is golden brown and crisp.

10. Take out of the oven & serve your pie.

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